|  快乐钢琴启迪智慧人生


Our music courses and piano lessons are tailored for children from age 3 to 7. Note Piano has its headquarter established in 2012 in Qingdao, China and its American subsidiary in Los Angeles, US. The philosophy of Play Piano • Play Fun is adopted to provide professional, systematic and internationalized teaching system. ..
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100% Teaching Strength
科学的课程研发  Scientific course research and development

根据最新脑神经发育以及基因研究成果,全新快乐钢琴理念,打造了全球首套3-7岁幼儿钢琴课程;采用了大、小课二维教学体系利用母语教学法将抽象、枯燥、深奥的音乐符号和乐理知识通过200多个好玩的游戏“不经意”又“恰到好处”的传授给宝贝。The philosophy of Play Piano • Play Fun is adopted to create music courses for children between...

专属的教材 Tailor-made Teaching Materials

采用3-7岁幼儿钢琴课程,大.小课二位体和系适龄化教育原则,同步学习乐理知识,视唱练耳,乐曲演奏和创作能力,让中国的孩子摆脱传统钢琴教育局限,爱上钢琴,具备全面的音乐素质和高超的演奏技巧。Note Piano provides world’s tailor-made music courses and piano lessons for children from ...

专业的老师 Professional Teachers

诺特钢琴拥有国际化全职教学团队,钢琴老师均具备国内外著名音乐学院钢琴/键盘本科/硕士以上学历,入职前通过美国研发3-6个月培训毕业上岗.诺特钢琴教师精通幼儿心理学,是孩子最佳的学习伙伴。Note Piano has a professional full-time teaching team. All of our teachers have earned their bachelor’s ...
与众不同的音乐会   Special Concerts

诺特钢琴每家中心每年举办30多场主题有趣内容丰富的音乐会,故事会。为诺特小学员打造专属展示的大舞台。通过定期音乐会的演出,故事会的参与,历练,培养宝贝非凡的音乐气质,为孩子们开启全新的音乐体验。Note Piano holds over 30 piano recitals and public concerts every year. All of our students get the chance to perform in recital hall and concert hall. By performing on the stage, ..
诺特优势  Note Piano’s Advantages


Note Piano provides world’s first tailor-made music courses and piano lessons for children from 3 to 7 years old.
The philosophy of Play Piano • Play Fun is adopted to develop their musical potential and promote their brain development.


Note Piano (China) has two schools in Shinan and Laoshan districts in Qingdao, where students can have fun in reception area,
teaching area, activity area and waiting area design in European pastoral style.
最新活动  Latest Activities


Note Piano holds over 30 piano recitals and public concerts every year. All of our students get the chance to perform in recital hall and concert hall.
By performing on the stage, children are gaining very valuable experience. And this is the moment that children feel accomplished and appreciated for all of their hard work.
联系我们 Contact Us

诺特钢琴市南校区  School in Shinan District

地址(AD):青岛市香港中路8号青岛中心广场4楼  No. 8 Hong Kong Middle Road, Qingdao, China 联系电话(TEL):0532-85800788 诺特钢琴崂山校区 School in Laoshan District

地址(AD):青岛市海尔路83号金鼎广场3楼  No. 83 Haier Road, Qingdao, China 联系电话(TEL):0532-58668766

诺特钢琴市北校区 School in Shibei District

址(AD):青岛市哈尔滨路88号保利广场3楼  No. 88 Harbin Road, Qingdao, China


诺特钢琴西海岸校区 School in Xihaian District

地址(AD):青岛市滨海大道2888号新城吾悦广场3楼  No. 2888 Binhai Road, Qingdao, China


诺特美国 Note Music Academy 地址(AD):1108 S Baldwin Ave Suite 208, Arcadia, CA 91007

合作专线(TEL):(585)-764-2232 邮箱地址(EMAIL):Rachellegao@foxmail.com